We help companies
optimise their Business Model
for success in a digital world
“76% of CEOs think their current business model will be unrecognisable in five years”
- Forrester Nov '21
Digital Transformation Focused on Customer Value
Digital technology and AI have proven their power to drive commercial growth at scale.
However, embarking on a transformation journey solely centred around technology can be a costly mistake. Our approach places paramount importance on end-customer value, and the engine - the Business Model - to deliver it at scale.
Getting the transformation right is not easy! But it is urgent and essential: challengers and disruptors thrive using new business models and digital capabilities.
For those who get it right, the upside can be huge - new customer experiences, new revenue streams, competitive advantage, increased profitability, deeper customer relationships, greater recession resilience, higher company valuation.

Structured, proven approach
We start the journey with a workshop with the senior leaders - the custodians of the Business Model - across the line functions of the organisation. Together, we define the opportunity, the proposition and the plan.
Insights and patterns across every industry
We've helped with some of the largest companies in the world define their digital services. We bring insights of common patterns we’ve seen across every industry, as customers shape their new service-based proposition.
Defined Business Architecture
We assess the commercial model, costs, pricing and revenue - and the capabilities, channels and partnerships required to deliver at scale.
Agreed Action
We ensure a clear understanding of the organisational changes necessary for success, providing an actionable plan across all functions of the organisation, putting focus where it really matters.
Evolved Business Models: Common Patterns
Over the last 10 years, we have guided companies through:
The increasing shift to “as-a-service” business models, and the economics behind them - for the vendor, the customer and the channel.
How subscription models need to be adapted for different industries to address their OpEx and CapEx needs.
The move from cost-based pricing to value-based pricing and outcome-based pricing: straight-forward concepts, but challenging to get right.
Driving focus with consumption-based incentive models - for sales teams and channel partners.
Shifts in organisational capability - new capabilities like Machine Learning Operations and Data Science, and just as importantly, the need to evolve core functions like Sales, Customer Support and Customer Success.
Business Model Innovation - Real World Examples

company (Germany)
New elevator-as-a-service offering frees up working capital for end-customers

Industrial robot
manufacturer (Switzerland)
New subscription services protect margin and differentiate in commoditised hardware market

Independent software
vendor (US)
Move from perpetual licencing to subscription licencing reduces
up-front costs for new customers

Milking machine manufacturer (Netherlands)
New service uses AI feedback loop to optimise milk quality, delivering 15% milk price premium to end-customers

company (Sweden)
New AI-based predictive maintenance service offering reduces downtime
by 50%

Pipeline infrastructure vendor (Germany)
New AI modelling and simulation offerings vastly reduce risk and cost of network pipeline pressure testing

“Patrick effortlessly navigated through complex discussions... His ability to distil complex concepts into easily understandable processes was particularly impressive”
- James Reihill, CEO, SOS Station

“Product and service innovation are essential, but business model innovation can deliver more lasting competitive advantage”